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Everyone can be good at doing something. For most of my life I struggled to find out what it is I was good at. I tried doing a lot of things and learning new skills.


In the process and while learning digital marketing, I learnt about passion and its importance. Life has been fulfilling and meaningful ever since.


I want to share my story, journey, experiences and lessons I learnt from the world of business with you.


You need passion to be successful in life and you must make use of digital marketing to enable you make a living from your passion.


You can share your passion online and start your online business.


Consumers today want to engage with product and service brands before and even after purchase. Consumers will go online to search for a product or service, research on a product or service, make a choice on a product or service and then purchase. After purchasing, consumers will go online to share their experiences with other consumers. Marketers use digital marketing to get consumer data and also analyse consumer behavior.


Marketers need to engage consumers on ongoing discussions about their business, products and services so as to keep up with the ever changing consumer needs.


LEMP Passion and digital marketing is centred on passion and encourages you to follow your dreams, enjoyment and love.

It is also an extensive guide into how to start your own business, online business and digital marketing.

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